
Good: Temp had a very nice rise today. This is an almost unheard of post-O temp! Hope it continues!!

Bad: I got my progesterone results back....10.3. Anything over 10 in an unmedicated cycle indicates O, which is good, but I'm a little concerned that mine is barely over 10. I'm not sure how quickly it rises after implantation and I'm worried that it might not be high enough to sustain a pregnancy. (Post TR women have a higher chance of progesterone issues) Sometimes temps can help be an indication of potential problems. My temps have always been on the lower side so since this month they seem to be higher and my progesterone is only 10.3, then what has it normally been these past months? This is definitely something to talk to the RE about if I'm not pregnant this cycle.

Other than that, very few symptoms this month, so not much else is going on.


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