Here is a list of common abbrevations you will see me use in posts.
2ww-2 week wait
2ww-2 week wait
AF-Aunt Flo (period)
BBT-Basal Body Temperature
BD-Baby Dancing (making love/having sex)
BFP-Big Fat Positive (on pregnancy test)
BFN-Big Fat Negative (on pregnancy test)
CD-Cycle Day
CM-Cervical Mucus
DD-Dear Daughter
DH-Dear Husband
DPO-Days Post Ovulation
DS-Dear Son
BBT-Basal Body Temperature
BD-Baby Dancing (making love/having sex)
BFP-Big Fat Positive (on pregnancy test)
BFN-Big Fat Negative (on pregnancy test)
CD-Cycle Day
CM-Cervical Mucus
DD-Dear Daughter
DH-Dear Husband
DPO-Days Post Ovulation
DS-Dear Son
DSS-Dear Step Son
EDD-Estimated due date
EWCM-Egg White Cervical Mucus
FF-Fertility Friend
FMU-First Morning Urine
FRER-First Response Early Result (HPT)
HCG-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (what a pregnancy test tests)
HPT-Home Pregnancy Test
IC-Internet Cheapie (HPT)
LMP-Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LOL-Laugh Out Loud
LH- Luteinizing Hormone (Hormone detected by the OPK)
LP-Luteal Phase
N/V-Nausea/Vomitting (morning sickness)
EDD-Estimated due date
EWCM-Egg White Cervical Mucus
FF-Fertility Friend
FMU-First Morning Urine
FRER-First Response Early Result (HPT)
HCG-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (what a pregnancy test tests)
HPT-Home Pregnancy Test
IC-Internet Cheapie (HPT)
LMP-Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LOL-Laugh Out Loud
LH- Luteinizing Hormone (Hormone detected by the OPK)
LP-Luteal Phase
N/V-Nausea/Vomitting (morning sickness)
O-Ovulation (Variants-Oed, Oing)
OPK-Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS-Pee On a Stick
OPK-Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS-Pee On a Stick
PTLS-Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (collection of symptoms many women develop after a TL. Some drs don't think this is a 'real' disease.)
SMU-Second Morning Urine
TMI-Too Much Info
TL-Tubal Ligation
SMU-Second Morning Urine
TMI-Too Much Info
TL-Tubal Ligation
TR-Tubal Reversal
TTA-Trying To Avoid
TTA-Trying To Avoid
TTC-Trying To Conceive
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