The one month I don't really pay attention to my cycle and it goes out of whack. LOL. My cycles used to have a wide range, but ever since I had my first child, my cycles became much more regulated at 24-28 days. This cycle however is already on CD33. I have no clear indication when I O'd since CM was a little off and I didn't do BBTs. On the 27th, I was already a few days late so I decided to take my BBT just for the heck of it. Well, it was 98.08 which is pretty high post O temp for me! I've been checking it since hoping for a good drop, which would then mean AF was coming soon. It has dropped some and have been cramping on and off like AF would start any minute, but then it rose again today. Hpts have been negaitive so the waiting game continues. (How great would that be to be pregnant though....small chance, but it does happen to a small % of women.) Hopefully the ugly witch will show up soon if she's coming. I'm supposed to be going on a camping trip this weekend with my DSS and his boy scouts troop and AF would not be a fun guest to bring along.
Lorcan's Birth Story
11 years ago
I have to giggle as I am reading your posts because I have to keep your abbreviation post up and flip back and forth between tabs in order to understand what your saying. I feel like I am reading the bible or something having to flip back and forth to understand ;)
Yeah, its definately like learning a second language.
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