CD11 and trigger happy

I've been taking my Clomid and Follistim (FSH) like a good girl. Luckily, few side effects except for headaches and some slight nausea. Today, I went in for my u/s check to see how my little eggies are growing. A Dr (a new lady that I haven't met before) said I have three follicles....a 20.73mm, 15.37 and a 10.76. She said the 10.76 wouldn't do anything and the 15.37 may or may not release. She said my lining looked good, at over 11.8 and overall was very happy on how I have responded to the meds. She told me to trigger tonight and to BD tonight and tomorrow. (We aren't doing IUI, just TI.) I did my trigger about 2 hours ago and I'm already a little crampy now. Not sure if its from the shot (if so, boy that works fast!) or what. My OPKs have not even been close to +. (Even though I'm doing a trigger, I've been testing with them over the last few days just because it gives me something to pee on. LOL)

Over the next few days, I'll be testing out my trigger. From what I've been reading, it'll take approx 6-7 for the trigger to leave my system and then hopefully it will be replaced by a true BFP!! FX!!


Ramona said...

Praying for you my dear!! FX you'll have a little one snuggling in nicely soon!

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