Our Story

Guess you are wondering who we are huh? Well, here is goes....

First of all, my name is Brandy and I love to use (parentheses) as you will soon find out. LOL.

DH and I got married in 2007 (I also became a step mom to a WONDERFUL boy whom I love as my own) and we conceived our DS that first month! I had horrible N/V the entire nine months and also ended up developing pre-eclampsia. I was placed on medication to help with the N/V, but I would take it sparingly since I was afraid it would hurt the baby. Two weeks after my pre-e diagnosis, I was induced due to severe hyptertension. During induction, DS heart rate started deceleration and had to be delivered via emergency c-section at 38w5d. I then developed complications (I went into hypovolemic shock and ended up needing 2 units of blood transfused). Needless to say, his pregnancy and birth were not what I expected.

Fast forward 11 months. We became pregnant with DD on our 7th cycle of trying. Her pregnancy mimicked DS and this time I was placed on two medications to try and combat the morning sickness. Even with the medications, I still had trouble keeping anything down. People thought I was crazy for having another baby after everything I went through with our son and I admit, there were days I thought so myself. After all, who loves the thought of having to carry baggies everywhere with them for nine months to throw up in because you can't make it to the bathroom in time?? Since I had to have an emergency c-section with DS (I was not a candidate for a VBAC) we had a scheduled c-section date for DD. Long story short, she decided to come a few days earlier than that, at 38w3d.

After two complicated pregnancies, DH and I decided we were done having kids and for me to get a tubal ligation since they'd "already be in there" during the c-section. I wasn't 100% on board, but at the time, I knew it was the best thing for us to do. (I don't believe in birth control....I know, I know, tubal ligation is a form of birth control.) I felt different almost immediately after the TL and I just figured it was due to the fact that I just had a baby, plus a toddler and an older boy at home.

About 1.5 years later, I thought I was pregnant. (Which I was secretly hoping I was because by this point I was just sick to my stomach knowing that I had permanently altered my reproductive system.) I told DH about it and he verbalized his regret of getting the TL done too and hoped I was pregnant. Turns out I wasn't pregnant and that my thyroid levels were just off (I had gotten diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a month prior, plus I was developing PTLS). While at the Dr, DH brings up questions about a tubal reversal. He was really excited about the prospect of having another baby!! So after we got home, we had a good, long discussion about the thought of getting the TR done. I researched it and narrowed it down to two Drs. Of course, we had to save up the money for it since insurance doesn't cover it.

So here we are 14 months later, about to get the TR done! Our surgery is scheduled for May 30, 2012. I decided to start this blog to document our (hopefully short) journey in hopes to give women contemplating a TL to strongly reconsider it before they do it. I just wish I knew then what I know now. :-(


Is anyone listening? said...

I'm glad you shared your blog with me. I look forward to reading all your posts. Good luck with your new decision!

Brandy said...

Thanks Ashley!

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