The dreaded 2ww, at least for me, is always the hardest part of the cycle. The "am I?/aren't I?" thoughts that plague you, the analyzing every sign and symptom, the self doubts of "its all in my head" or "I must be crazy" that swirl around. For two weeks, you can reach every emotion, even when you try to relax and put all of that out of your head. And for me, I don't even have a true 2ww since my LP is only 10-11 days. As crazy as I feel some days, I think it would be even worse if I had to wait and extra 3-4 days every month. LOL.
But today I have something to make me smile! I know you can have a beautiful chart and not end up being pregnant, just as you can have a not-so-pretty chart, yet be pregnant. I overlayed this months chart (in purple) to the green chart, which is from when I got my BFP with my daughter. The similarities just look so good. Of course, I won't know for another few days if this even means what I think it means, but in the meantime I can pray, dream and hope that is does.
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