
Today, I had a TR post op appointment with Dr K. Right after surgery he said my tube lengths were 3.5 and 4.5 cm, but today he said they were both 5 cm. Not sure why the change (I was actually fully awake when he said that after surgery so I don't think I misunderstood him), but I'm happy since the longer the tubes the better! He then reviewed the protocol on what will happen when I get pregnant. I'll have to go get betas drawn every 48 hours and then have an US to confirm placement once my numbers reach 1500. This is to catch an ectopic (10% chance of happening) as early as possible, so as to avoid any major complications such as needing my tube taken out or worse, my death. Once a pregnancy has been confirmed in my uterus, then I will be released to my OB/GYN for routine pregnancy care.

I'm on CD 12 today, so I should O in a few days.

Fingers crossed this will be the only TTC cycle I need!!


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