Our journey is over.....

Dr K called me just now to talk about our next step. Basically, he doesn't think another round of meds will help because I'm 'more a tubal patient and not a IF patient, per se'. We knew the meds weren't going to give us that much of a better chance since I do O on my own, but we tried them because that all thats left that we can try. He really thinks it could be just a simple egg-met-sperm issue, whether because of something in my tubes (CIS showed them open, but something else could be preventing passage) or sperm/CM issue. (DH's SA came back fine.) So, he said our only options are IUI or IVF, both of which we won't do, so its the end of the road for us. We don't even get one more chance at the meds. I have been trying to prepare myself for this, but I'm so freaking upset right now.


Ramona said...

I am so so sorry Brandy! Nothing can prepare you for that. I will continue to pray. They say sometimes all it takes is not trying so maybe that'll give you some luck after you're done 'trying'. BIG HUGS!

Brandy said...

Thanks Ramona.

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