Morphology: 4%
Volume: 4.3 ml
Motility: 59%
Of course, since I don't know much about SA, I had to consult Dr Google to see what those numbers meant. Normal Motility is >50% so thats good; normal volume is 2-5 ml, thats good too; where it gets tricky is the Morphology value. There were two different scales that had very different numbers. Luckily, the nurse had called me back about another issue so I was able to talk to her about it. On their scale, they want to see the number at 4% or above. And that while DH just barely made the cut, the fact that he abstained for 5 days prior to the SA, that those numbers would likely have been higher if we had tested a 2-3 day abstained sample instead. So overall, they said there should be no reason that his sperm is the cause of us not getting pregnant. Darn, part of my was kinda hoping it would be something simple that could be explained and changed. :-)
I had to call this morning because I still have not heard from the pharmacy about my meds. (They send the orders to a specific pharmacy and they mail you the meds.) Since I'm supposed to start the Follistim (FSH) tomorrow night, I was getting a little worried it wouldn't make it in time. After several phones call and $364.48 later (for the FSH and Ovidrel), everything finally got straightened out. It will be overnighted to me and I will have it sometime tomorrow. Thank goodness the Clomid was only $5 on top of that. If it gets us a baby, I don't care about the cost, DH on the otherhand.......LOL.
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