
This is my 100th post on this blog. I honestly thought I would have been able to announce a BFP long before now, but unfortunately that has not been the case.

I'm 8 DPO this cycle and not a whole lot is going on. I've been slightly nauseated off and on the last few days, tired, but not sleeping worth crap. I've also been having some cramping on and off.....but its so light I don't think it means much of anything. Overall, I'm not too optimistic for this month. Of course, with DD, I thought I was 'out' then too. Stark white BFN on 9 dpo, but then a blazing BFP on 10 dpo. So anything is possible and I pray that I'll have good news to share soon. Yep, announcing a BFP in a few days would be great. :-)


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