Cramps, super sized

I've had cramps ever since the trigger shot, but whoa, super cramps this morning! I was also so bloated, it felt like a big rubber band was around my abdomen squeezing me. This is definitely the strongest O pains I've ever felt!

To satisfy my POAS urges, I've been peeing on hpts to check my trigger progression. I took a wondfo yesterday with FMU and it was SO light that I got worried that maybe my trigger wasn't going to be good enough. I ended up taking a FRER later last night and it was super dark in seconds. I took another wondfo this morning and while its a little darker than yesterdays, its still very light. I'm not sure I like those tests very much! Guess thats what you get with a cheap test. Since I still have about 10 left, I'll keep using them and then confirm with FRER. I also ordered some answer tests, so those will be here in a few days. FX these are the last batch of hpts I ever have to buy!!

I'll post my progression pics in a few days when my trigger starts to leave.


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