I'm out

My temp took a CRASHING nose dive this morning, so I'm just waiting on the ol' witch to show. While I'm upset that yet another cycle passes and we are still not pregnant, I'm at more peace with it this month than previous months. Actually, I was even wondering if we should try this month or not because my EDD would have been late Aug (but the baby would have been born at least a week earlier because I will have to have a repeat c-section). The problem with that you ask? Well, DS will start kindergarten in Aug, so to have a new routine with that, a new baby, recovering from surgery, DSS in a different school district making sure we pick him up on time and the logistics of trying to get all of that to work with me unable to drive for six weeks and DH not being able to help out much because of his work schedule...well you can see why that would drive me crazy. Not that all of that couldn't be done...I'm a planner and have a plan in my mind of how this will work, but even the best laid plans can hit a snafu when it actually comes time to implement it. Especially when the biggest hurdle is a mom that can't drive right after surgery. If we get pregnant next month, at least we'd have a couple of weeks to work out any kinks with the schedule before adding a new baby. Its all in God's timing anyway and His timing is always perfect. I just have to remind myself of that sometimes. ;-)


Lisa Miner said...

I'm out this cycle too ... onto cycle 16 ... AF showed up with all her glory today. Going to resume temping and opk this cycle ... supplies are on the way. ((HUGS))

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