Todays temp dropped more (quite a bit more actually) so I didn't test this morning. Based on this mornings temp, AF should arrive sometime tomorrow, maybe even Sunday. I'm so upset with myself....getting the TL in the first place, totally screwing up my body. I'm beginning to wonder if this is even in the cards for us. With DS, we got pregnant right off the bat on our honeymoon, DD took cycle #7 but thats because I was trying to gender sway and gender swaying girls take longer than boys. This is cycle #7 for TTC this baby. Ironically, it was Dec 29, 2008 that I found out I was pregnant with DD. How nice it would have been to find out over the next few days that I would be pregnant again. But no, that dream is crushed. Yeah, there is still a SLIM chance that I could be pregnant, that I am wrong with my dates, but that chance is so so slim, that it would be like hanging off a cliff by a shoestring, trusting it would hold you.
God, I need a miracle and you are the only one who can do it. I don't know how much longer we can try. DH already has a 'time frame' on exactly how much longer we should try (because of his age), and that is getting closer every day.
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