This cycle started out much as the same. A little EWCM on cd7. No biggie, I thought. It will probably stay for two days and then go away for a little bit and I'll O around New Year's Eve/Day. Yesterday, cd8, still some EWCM, not surprised. Today, cd9, LOTS of EWCM this afternoon right before I went to the bathroom. I looked at the clock...530pm. Yep, I bet this will be +, I said to myself as I pulled an OPK from the box. Sure enough, there was a smiley face on the test strip looking right back at me a few minutes later. Most women O anywhere from 12-36 hours after a +opk (I'm closer to the 12-16 hour more times than not. However, there have been 2 cycles where I didn't O for 36 hours.) Now why the problem?? Well, DH is sick...sick as in can't BD because he's as sick as a dog sick. Ugh! So, looks like I may already be out this cycle before it even really gets started.
I pray that my body will either 'shut down' for a few days so I don't O for a few more days (temp spike confirms O, opk just says your body is getting really close) or that DH feels a lot better and soon.
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