Out of the woodworks....

they are coming! Seems like everyone is making a pregnancy announcement this past week. While it stings (ok, so some announcements stung a lot more than others) that I am not one them, I am truly happy for them, even the ones that weren't 'trying' and got hit with a 'surprise.' I just pray that my BFP wont be too far behind. I even broke down when DH told me that while we were at Christmas Vigil Mass, he prayed that I would get the baby I so desperately want. (He's not the kind that talks much about this whole TTC process, so the fact that he told me that made me cry even more.) This is officially the longest its ever taken us to conceive a child. I'm all for breaking records, but this is NOT what I had in mind.

Remember in my last post about how the timing was pretty crappy this month since DH was sick and how I wished that even though I got a +opk, that my body would shut down and not O until he felt better and we could actually BD? Well, I think my body did shut down! Fertile CM has gone away and better yet, my temp hasn't spiked to confirm O! Now, lets just hope that in a few more days it will get back on track with no problems.


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