I guess its time for a new BBT thermometer! The one I've been using is a little over 4 years old, but I thought it was still fairly accurate. This cycle though, it seems not to be the case. My temps have been unsual and today it should be even higher to confirm O, but it was still stuck in the 97.01 range. I've checked my temp two other times today and its finally reading a higher reading (which only happens after O) so I'm confident that O has happened. I will have to wait until the end of this cycle to start using a new one because even though this one doesn't seem to be accurate, it will be consistenly accurate for charting purposes. Make sense? LOL.


Kara said...

Hey Brandy, Thanks for the comment about my stubborn ovaries! this TTC stuff is just crazy sometimes. I can't believe that people even get pregnant naturally knowing all that it takes to actually make the "perfect" cycle with all the right conditions!

You and I are close to the same age and I have a DSS too that was born in 2001. I hope you get your baby soon. I look forward to following your journey to your BFP!

Thanks for stopping by

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