Possible problem?

The plan was for another follicular check and lab work on the 30th, unless I had a +OPK sooner than that in which case I would go in that day. Well, at 230pm today I went "peak" on my OPK (it has been low the last two days and totally skipped "high") so I called Dr N's office. They had me go in at 330pm to do an LH level and sono. The nurse said I looked very good, that my follicles had grown even more (now 21.6, 18.4 and 17.6) and that the largest one had some fluid around it and was super hazy, a very good indicator that I was surging! Fast forward to 430. The nurse called and said that my LH level was only 3.74 and that Dr N was surprised that I got a +OPK with a level that low. She doubts I'm actually surging, even based on the sono results. Plan is to BD tonight (just in case I really am surging) and go back in for another sono and more blood work tomorrow afternoon. Even the nurse was surprised how low my level was for how I looked on sono, so now I'm a little scared that this could be the reason I've been having such a hard time.

FX that my OPK just caught the very beginning of my surge and that my level is where it needs to be this afternoon!


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