Follow Up

I had my post-surgery follow up with the Dr today. Incisions look good and no pain (I still have a slight tugging/pulling sensation on one side of my abdomen when I stand up from a sitting position though). Dr N went over the official results from the laparoscopy....she removed 3 polyps--all of which came back clear (ie no cancer or abnormal looking cells) from the pathologist, checked tube patency by pushing dye through--all clear with good flow, and checking the possibly damaged left sided fimbria--which cleared up with a little extra pressure of dye, no repairing needed!! Thank God! There are two main problems for conceiving after a TL/TR: tube lengths--shorter tubes make conceiving harder--mine are still a good length, and proximity of tube to the ovaries--mine are "very good" she said. Dr N said based on what she saw in there, she doesn't know why I haven't gotten pregnant yet! The polyps could be a "possible" reason why, since they can impede implantation, but she said she has seen uteruses with more and/or larger polyps still conceive.

Dr N then went over our options. We discussed what we tried at the other RE's office and what we feel comfortable with doing over here. IUI/IVF is still off the table, so we are going to try another Clomid + TI cycle. Plan is to call on CD 1/2 and schedule baseline sono, start meds on CD 3-5 or 5-7, follow up with u/s until O is near, BD at home when its times, and confirm O with another u/s. The good thing, since we have meet our out-of-pocket max for the year, most of this cycle will be covered by insurance depending on when AF arrives and we get started!

So now we just wait for AF to arrive...which should have been here already, but surgery delayed it a little.


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