Back to my triphasic chart. I found some really interesting info from Fertility Friend (FF), but I will share just a few excerpts.....
A triphasic chart is not a definite sign that you are or are not pregnant. It is just increasing your probability if you also have well-timed intercourse. Likewise, you can be pregnant and not have a triphasic pattern. Like all signs of possible implantation or pregnancy, you can really only speculate about it once a pregnancy has already been confirmed.
FF considered a batch of the most recent charts analyzed on the web site. 149,781 recent charts were considered. For each chart considered we took note of the following: the ovulation day whether or not a triphasic pattern was detected which day after ovulation a triphasic pattern was detected pregnancy test results. We did not consider any chart for which no intercourse during the fertile window was recorded. In other words, all charts considered had a chance to result in pregnancy. We measured the frequency of the occurrence of the triphasic pattern in our sample for both pregnancy charts and charts not leading to a pregnancy.
Frequency of a Triphasic Pattern for pregnancy charts: 12.46%
Frequency of a Triphasic Pattern for non-pregnant charts: 4.47%
Average Days Past Ovulation (DPO) when this pattern occurs: 9 DPO
The results show that the triphasic pattern indeed occurs more frequently on pregnancy charts. Especially interesting are the following results: The magnitude of the difference is quite significant. This pattern is 179% more frequent on pregnancy charts. Although these results confirm that the triphasic pattern is indeed a possible early pregnancy sign it also shows that it is not an absolute sign either as the pattern also appears on non-pregnant charts. In practical terms this means that seeing this pattern on your chart is indeed a good sign but it is not an assurance that you will be pregnant. Not seeing the pattern on your chart is likewise not an indication that you are not pregnant. It is also important to recognize that there are a variety of other factors that may influence the probability of pregnancy in any cycle.
So as you can see this is REALLY good news. I pray that I am in the 12.46% category!! AF stay away and let me get a BFP tomorrow!
Tomorrow AF is due for me and I am praying she is taking a vacation for at least 8 months. Praying for us both
Lisa, how cool would it be if we both got BFPs tomorrow? I pray that we both get good news in the morning!
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