
lim·bo [ límbō ]
1. state of
oblivion: a state in which somebody or something is
neglected or is simply left in oblivion

in limbo in a state of uncertainty or of being kept waiting

Totally what I'm feeling right now. Being in limbo, in most cases (like a pending home loan application, waiting for the phone call after a job interview, etc) is worse than having an actual answer. At least with a 'yes' or 'no' you have an answer, closure, chance to move on and figure your next move. Today is 11dpo. Still no AF...still no BFP...still no answer. My temp went back up today, so I suppose yesterday could have been implantation. Implantation on 10dpo with a 10-11 LP doesn't seem so good. If it is implantation, will my body be able to switch gears in time so my body can grow and nuture the new life? Limbo. All HPTs (10miu and 25 miu) have been negative. Not even the faintest of lines. I have been reading that some women will test positive on higher miu tests, yet still show negative on the lower miu tests. I have one FRER tucked away so if my temp doesn't drop a lot tomorrow, I'll use it along with another 10 and 25 miu.

I pray that I will see BFPs.

I pray there be an end to the limbo.


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