Anyway, to confirm that theory I took another opk 4 hours later. If it was darker then I knew I hadn't surged yet, and if it were lighter, then it could have been + had I taken it earlier or that my body was gearing up but didn't O because I'm sick. Well, it was much lighter than the 6pm one, just as I suspected. Took my temp this morning and it was in my post O range. Just great I thought. We only BD'd once before I got sick so I thought this month was already shot. I haven't been running a fever so I didn't think the temp was totally inaccurate.
Fast forward to this afternoon. I decided to take yet another opk because I just really hate not knowing for sure, plus I still had some EWCM (although there was some creamy cm in there as well.) I figured it would be - and that would be that. Low and behold it was a +. So that now means I'll O in the next 24 hours or so. Which on one hand is bad because that puts O one day further out from our last BD, on the other hand thats good because that gives us a chance to BD some more. But since I'm still sick that still won't be too possible.
Some days I just really hate this.
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