that cycle is over! Since AF arrived yesterday, that would have put O at CD11 (closer to what my 'normal' O after +opk is even though my late temp rise suggested different at the time).
I called the RE's office who did my TR to see what our options are since this is now the start of cycle #9. The nurse and I had a good long talk and it was suggested we do
Clomid + TI (timed intercourse) + injectible and see where that takes us. I'm hesitant because 1. I do
not like taking meds (even Tylenol for a headache...yeah I'm that weird), 2. I'm nervous about side effects from the drugs, risk of twins, it not working, etc. Luckily, we have the money set aside for what it all would cost so thats not the issue. Since we've had a lot going on the last few days with my FIL having surgery, DH and I didn't get a chance to talk a lot about it and since today is CD2, I'm not sure if I could get someone to watch the kids (they don't like kids coming to the clinic for fear of upsetting other IF patients) tomorrow to go for the CD3 checkup and sono to start it this month.
So, the plan is to try one more month on our own and then try those things next cycle, if we need to. There is not a whole lot more we can try (we can do this protocol up to 3 times and we won't do IUI/IVF) so if this doesn't work, then maybe it wasn't to be after all. The thought of that makes me very emotional so I pray that we get a BFP before then.
I am also going to try another sperm-friendly lube. We've been using Preseed this entire time with no luck and since all of that is gone now, hopefully another kind will be the easy solution. (I tried something called FemCare, at least I think thats what the name was, when we were TTC our DD and we got pregnant the 2 month using that.)