Not much going on at the moment. I had a really strong O (based on my temps), so I really pray this is our month!! We have lots of good things going for us......CIS showing open tubes, thyroid meds adjusted and TSH hopefully at a better level and lots of extra BD'ing. Needless to say, I'm going to be a wreck until I can test on the 20th. The waiting is the hardest part of the cycle. Well, really thats the whole cycle, because you wait for O to happen, then you wait to test, and then if your temp drops and keep getting BFNs then you are waiting on AF to arrive so you can start it all over again. Its enough waiting to make you crazy and to wish that it didn't have to be such a process. Even with everything lined up perfectly, you still only have a 20% of conceiving any given month. Its amazing anyone gets pregnant then, huh? I just have to keep reminding myself that its all on God's timing and not ours.


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