So I haven't been good about blogging this month. Obviously I've been seriously lacking sleep or something because yesterday my DH let me sleep in late, I got up and ate a little, went back to bed for a nap a few hours later, ate some more after playing with the kids for a bit and even went to bed (early for me). I have been so exhausted lately, but I don't feel that it is necessarily 'pregnancy fatigue'...although I sure hope it is. :-) Today I woke up and felt much better, but I did get have another fatigue dump later this afternoon.
Part of me thinks I'm out this month. My temps have been super close together (way abnormal) and even though I have some symptoms, nothing just stands out and screams pregnancy. The only thing that remotely does is the metallic taste I've been having and of course the fatigue. However, it seems that while I never had PMS-type symptoms before the TL/TR, that this may be my new norm of having some every month now.
The other part of me is still optimistic. I have faith that we will have another baby. I just hope God thinks it should be sooner rather than later. I'll be 10dpo tomorrow so I really pray I get a BFP tomorrow (BFN today).