One month

One month from today until our reversal!! I'm so excited and ready. Now if AF would just cooperate!

The one month I don't really pay attention to my cycle and it goes out of whack. LOL. My cycles used to have a wide range, but ever since I had my first child, my cycles became much more regulated at 24-28 days. This cycle however is already on CD33. I have no clear indication when I O'd since CM was a little off and I didn't do BBTs. On the 27th, I was already a few days late so I decided to take my BBT just for the heck of it. Well, it was 98.08 which is pretty high post O temp for me! I've been checking it since hoping for a good drop, which would then mean AF was coming soon. It has dropped some and have been cramping on and off like AF would start any minute, but then it rose again today. Hpts have been negaitive so the waiting game continues. (How great would that be to be pregnant though....small chance, but it does happen to a small % of women.) Hopefully the ugly witch will show up soon if she's coming. I'm supposed to be going on a camping trip this weekend with my DSS and his boy scouts troop and AF would not be a fun guest to bring along.

Random Thoughts

The hardest part of this journey so far is the lack of family support (well, that $6,500 check wasn't exactly so easy to part with either :-P). The only people that know about the impending TR are my in laws, a wonderfully supportive group of ladies that I have known for four years now at Womb and Beyond, one real life friend and now some new ladies I have found in an online TR/TTC group.

The main reason we haven't told my family goes back to the fact that they made nasty comments when we announced I was pregnant with DD. They certainly wouldn't hold back voicing their surely negative opinions about the TR and subsequent TTC. Probably along the lines of "why would you want to reverse something you did in the first place" or "you already have three kids, why do you want/need another?"As little as we see/talk to them we totally could have another baby and they would not even realize it was a new family member. And this is my immediate family I'm talking about!! Sad huh? But hey, who needs that kind of negativity around them anyways, right?!

Our kids don't know either (DSS knows I will be having surgery, but he doesn't know what for) and we won't say anything until I'm actually pregnant. All of the kids will be super excited to have another sibling though. The boys make comments every so often about how they wish they had another sibling to play with. (They both wish for another sister. How sweet is that!) The only one that may have a problem is DD, especially if we have another girl. She would either be VERY excited or VERY territorial about having to share her clothes and toys, but based on how we made sure the boys adjusted well when she came along, I think we'll be just fine. :-)

Our Story

Guess you are wondering who we are huh? Well, here is goes....

First of all, my name is Brandy and I love to use (parentheses) as you will soon find out. LOL.

DH and I got married in 2007 (I also became a step mom to a WONDERFUL boy whom I love as my own) and we conceived our DS that first month! I had horrible N/V the entire nine months and also ended up developing pre-eclampsia. I was placed on medication to help with the N/V, but I would take it sparingly since I was afraid it would hurt the baby. Two weeks after my pre-e diagnosis, I was induced due to severe hyptertension. During induction, DS heart rate started deceleration and had to be delivered via emergency c-section at 38w5d. I then developed complications (I went into hypovolemic shock and ended up needing 2 units of blood transfused). Needless to say, his pregnancy and birth were not what I expected.

Fast forward 11 months. We became pregnant with DD on our 7th cycle of trying. Her pregnancy mimicked DS and this time I was placed on two medications to try and combat the morning sickness. Even with the medications, I still had trouble keeping anything down. People thought I was crazy for having another baby after everything I went through with our son and I admit, there were days I thought so myself. After all, who loves the thought of having to carry baggies everywhere with them for nine months to throw up in because you can't make it to the bathroom in time?? Since I had to have an emergency c-section with DS (I was not a candidate for a VBAC) we had a scheduled c-section date for DD. Long story short, she decided to come a few days earlier than that, at 38w3d.

After two complicated pregnancies, DH and I decided we were done having kids and for me to get a tubal ligation since they'd "already be in there" during the c-section. I wasn't 100% on board, but at the time, I knew it was the best thing for us to do. (I don't believe in birth control....I know, I know, tubal ligation is a form of birth control.) I felt different almost immediately after the TL and I just figured it was due to the fact that I just had a baby, plus a toddler and an older boy at home.

About 1.5 years later, I thought I was pregnant. (Which I was secretly hoping I was because by this point I was just sick to my stomach knowing that I had permanently altered my reproductive system.) I told DH about it and he verbalized his regret of getting the TL done too and hoped I was pregnant. Turns out I wasn't pregnant and that my thyroid levels were just off (I had gotten diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a month prior, plus I was developing PTLS). While at the Dr, DH brings up questions about a tubal reversal. He was really excited about the prospect of having another baby!! So after we got home, we had a good, long discussion about the thought of getting the TR done. I researched it and narrowed it down to two Drs. Of course, we had to save up the money for it since insurance doesn't cover it.

So here we are 14 months later, about to get the TR done! Our surgery is scheduled for May 30, 2012. I decided to start this blog to document our (hopefully short) journey in hopes to give women contemplating a TL to strongly reconsider it before they do it. I just wish I knew then what I know now. :-(

Tubal Reversal FAQ's

FAQ's about Tubal Reversal and Trying to Conceive After a Tubal Reversal

Q: What is a tubal ligation?
A: Tubal ligation is a commonly performed sterilization procedure. Also called "tying your tubes" or "getting your tubes tied". There are a variety of ways in which the procedure can be performed (clips or rings to occlude portion of the tubes, small segments of the fallopian tube is cut off or electrocautery). Sometimes a tubal ligation is performed at the same time as a cesarean section and is called a Pomeroy procedure. During this procedure, a small section of the tube is actually cut out and the ends are tied off with suture material. A less commonly performed procedure is a fimbriectomy. During this procedure, the ends of the tube are completely removed. Because the fimbria is an essential part of the tube, this procedure is irreversible.

Q: What is a tubal reversal?
A: Most tubal reversals are done using an open technique. This means making a 2-3 inch incision in the abdomen in a bikini-like fashion. The abdomen is opened and using a microscope the ends of the tubes are reconnected (tube-to-tube reanastomosis). The procedure normally takes 2 hours and after the procedure you will spend a couple of hours in the recovery room and will be sent home that day. In some less common cases, you may decide to spend the night in the hospital.

Q: Are tubal reversals covered by insurance?
A: You will need to verify with your particular insurance company, but 95% of the time it is not a covered procedure and you will have to pay the entire amount out of pocket. Tubal reversals can range from as little as $5,000 to as much at $8,000 depending on physician charges, facility charges and any additional tests (such as lab work or other tests).

Q: What are the steps for a tubal reversal?
A: You must obtain copies of all the post operative and pathology reports from the doctor who performed the tubal ligation and send them to prospective doctors who perform tubal reversals for review. Once you have chosen a doctor that you feel comfortable with, follow his/her advice. Sometimes the doctor will require the male to have a semen analysis before performing the tubal reversal. (This is to prevent the female from undergoing surgery if there is a problem with the male until the problem is corrected.)

Q: What kind of doctor do I look for?
A: You want a doctor who performs micro reproductive surgery. OB/GYN F.A.C.O.G or a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

Q: What tests should I expect to have prior to tubal reversal?
A: The basic tests performed include a pelvic exam, a check of basal body temperature (BBT) charts and the monitoring of some baseline hormone levels, such as prolactin and progesterone levels during the luteal phase. In addition, a postcoital test (PCT) or diagnostic laparoscopy may be performed. Some doctors may require a complete CBC and hormone panel to rule out menopause. Depending on the type of ligation you had, you may also have to undergo an HSG to determine if you have enough tube left.

Q: How long is the hospital stay?
A: This depends upon inpatient or outpatient surgery and your doctor. Most tubal reversals are performed outpatient and are home the same day.

Q: What is the recovery time for a tubal reversal?
A: This depends upon the patient's tolerance for pain and possibly unforeseen complications. Most women are fully recovered in 3-4 weeks. Your activity will be restricted for at least the first week.

Q: Does the procedure hurt?
A: Some women compare the pain to that of a c-section and some experience little or no pain at all.

Q: How big is the incision?
A: Generally 3-5 inches across the abdomen. If you have had a previous c-section, they will go in through the same incision.

Q: How will the incision be closed?
A: Normally staples, stitches, surgical glue, or an adhesive are used to close the incision.

Q: What can I expect the incision to look like?
A: The first time you look, it may be red or pink in color. It may even appear to be puffy. As long as it isn't bleeding and you don't have a fever, you should be fine.

Q: Is it normal for the incision to become numb?
A: It is very normal.

Q: What can I expect my cycles to be like after the tubal reversal?
A: Most women do not see a change in their cycles from pre-TR to post-TR. Some women experience shorter and lighter cycles and vice versa.

Q: When can I return to work?
A: Generally within one to two weeks when no heavy lifting is involved. Otherwise expect 4-6 weeks.

Q: When can we begin trying to conceive?
A: Some doctors say as soon as you feel like it and others say wait 4-6 weeks. Ask the opinion of your doctor.

Q: Is it okay to become pregnant the first or second month after the reversal?
A: Yes. There is no relation between miscarriages and tubal reversals. Most miscarriages in tubal reversal women is due to a hormonal deficiency.

Q:What is the normal length of the fallopian tubes before a tubal ligation?
A: 10-12 centimeters (some women may have longer or shorter tubes)

Q: What is the length of tube needed to conceive?
A: Most doctors say at least 4cm, but there have been successful full term pregnancies with less.

Q: What are the success rates of a tubal reversal?
A: Factors that can determine how successful a reversal can be include the length of the fallopian tubes after repair, patient age and method that was used for the ligation. There must be three to four centimeters of fallopian tube for pregnancy to occur. If the patient had no problems becoming pregnant prior to tubal ligation, and the reversal is successful, the patient should be able to conceive. At your consultation, the Dr will attempt to give you a better idea of what to expect regarding your chances of conception after your reversal.

Q: Will I need to do anything special after I get pregnant?
A: Yes. After a tubal reversal, the chance of ectopic pregnancy is higher so your Dr will want to know right away of any positive pregnancy test. They will then have you come in for blood tests to check your HCG levels every 2-3 days until your levels reach 1500 IU where they can then do a transvaginal sonogram to identify a (hopefully) uterine pregnancy.

This information is not intended to be used as medical advice. Use only as a reference.


Here is a list of common abbrevations you will see me use in posts.

2ww-2 week wait
AF-Aunt Flo (period)
BBT-Basal Body Temperature
BD-Baby Dancing (making love/having sex)
BFP-Big Fat Positive (on pregnancy test)
BFN-Big Fat Negative (on pregnancy test)
CD-Cycle Day
CM-Cervical Mucus
DD-Dear Daughter
DH-Dear Husband
DPO-Days Post Ovulation
DS-Dear Son
DSS-Dear Step Son
EDD-Estimated due date
EWCM-Egg White Cervical Mucus
FF-Fertility Friend
FMU-First Morning Urine
FRER-First Response Early Result (HPT)
HCG-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (what a pregnancy test tests)
HPT-Home Pregnancy Test
IC-Internet Cheapie (HPT)
LMP-Last Menstrual Period (start date)
LOL-Laugh Out Loud
LH- Luteinizing Hormone (Hormone detected by the OPK)
LP-Luteal Phase
N/V-Nausea/Vomitting (morning sickness)
O-Ovulation (Variants-Oed, Oing)
OPK-Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS-Pee On a Stick
PTLS-Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (collection of symptoms many women develop after a TL. Some drs don't think this is a 'real' disease.)
SMU-Second Morning Urine
TMI-Too Much Info
TL-Tubal Ligation
TR-Tubal Reversal
TTA-Trying To Avoid
TTC-Trying To Conceive
